Penalty points: 1
Time added: 5s
Coming towards an apex that being 3 wide is extremely difficult to pull off anyway, all are alongside each other coming towards the turn in point, noted by the 2 red arrows to Dton's left. At the turn in point, SOX and Dton are slowing at a similar speed, we cannot see JJ's car. SOX's car then speeds up, which can only occur due to contact, leading him into Dton, and Dton then going off track, not aided by the fact that Dton is turning in although 2 arrows are clearly visible. I'd say to all of them to be more careful when going 3 wide into a tight hairpin where the next corner tightens up even more, however, due to the contact that led to SOX to speed up into Dton, I would say this is more towards JJ.
The Sun God 26
[M.T.R.] Manipulating the Race
Penalty points: 3
TRC Dton
Penalty points: 1
Time added: 5s
I would actually say that Tazz was alongside enough to deserve racing room. At the exit point, despite Tazz's arrow still being red, Dton starts to accelerate, leaving Tazz no choice but to go off track. There wasn't too much time loss aside from that lost going side-by-side in an area where it is very hard to do so, but I would say that was mainly caused by Dton.